Verify NAFDAC Products Online – Nafdac Verify

This is a NAFDAC Product Registration Verification platform to confirm if a product is nafdac certified or substandard. You can confirm all kinds products like food, vaccines, Drugs, Medical Devices, Herbals & Cosmetics, etc. On this website, you can easily verify NAFDAC registered products and also report counterfeit or fake products.

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If you are into production and importation of food and drug-related products, it is pertinent to understand that running such a business without license from the Nigerian government through it agency is deemed illegal. Nigeria’s government make this compulsory because food and drug as they ease human pain can easily aggravate the pain and even cause death if the preparation method and environment are not properly monitored.

The government, through its agency, the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC) ensures food and drug producers abide by the set standard of hygiene for public health purpose. Everyone should not be in the production business. It must be available only for serious-minded individuals that understand the importance of hygiene and clean environment. This is the core objective of NAFDAC which is why it has stringent procedures for those determining to produce or import any human consumption.

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As a company, it is necessary to get the NAFDAC number. Apart from being free from government persecution if you fail to get it. It also makes the public have confidence in your product. They feel at ease buying from you knowing fully well that the agency of the federal government has carried out necessary measure that ensure your production won’t be harmful to their health.

It is imperative to mention that the NAFDAC does not only concern itself with the domestic food and drugs made in Nigeria. But it is also necessary for the importer of food and drug items to get NAFDAC license before distributing their products to the public.

However, it is a bit stressful getting certified by NAFDAC. It has processes and one need to be patient for months before being certified.


NAFDAC registration is for both the Public and the entity registering its business. As for the public, it is a safe way of letting them have trust in the brand and make them have enough confidence that what they consume is healthy. With emergence and widespread of various diseases that hide their strength in foods and drugs we consume daily, everyone is sensitive about what they consume and therefore have to put their trust in government to protect their wellbeing, since the ultimate objective of any serious government is protection of the citizenry.  In essence, public that want to consume any product either through oral, ingestion, incision, intravenous or injection they want to be sure they are trusted and certified products by the government through its agency, NAFDAC.

Also, Verification of NAFDAC number can be for a business that is under registration by NAFDAC. A business that has have undergone required process for verification and need to check whether the product it registered for has been duly updated on the database of NAFDAC. In essence, you need a verifier platform to ascertain if certificate issued to you has have online presence, so your product can gain public trust.

Verification of a NAFDAC number can also be done by any person or entity willing to partner with a business dealing with drugs and foods. It can also be done by investors, potential employee and any person investigating the production process of a food or drug manufacturing company.


NAFDAC number are usually identify with a particular brand name and not product itself. For instance, a company producing water and beverages will have a unified NAFDAC number inscribed on all of it product. NAFDAC number of every products must be printed in the product body or a leaflet where NAFAC number is written can be put inside that product. The Number can be numeric or Alpha Numeric and usually between 6 to 10 number combination.

You can easily check your NAFDAC number online. Either using mobile phone or laptop. There is official page NAFDAC number verification. However, for you may have glitches or experience some slight difficulties while checking, we provide an alternative platform to use.

You can verify your NAFDAC number within some few seconds with our platform. We have full database of food and drugs manufacturers and exporters who have registered and licensed under NAFDAC.

Our platform is a verifier for all sort of government identity number and the NAFDAC number is one of them. We made parallel Verification available legally through the agency that has the database. We couch the data directly from the agency and ensure we consistently update the data as they are made available for public verification.


Using our platform for any number verification at all is convenient, simple and result-driven. All you need is your mobile phone and any device connected to the internet. Log on to our platform and experience steady result by merely imputing the purported registered. You can verify by using NAFDAC Number which will be written on the product or use the product, or company name to verify.


Using the NAFDAC Number for Verification  

You can easily identify the NAFDAC number of a product through its unique identification number. For example, if you enter the number 01-5461 on the search bar, you should get St. Lauren food drink and any other relevant food items being produced by the producer. Also, there will be the company’s name that owns the product, and the major ingredients that made up the food or drug you are checking.


Using the Product Name for verification

Alternatively, you can verify a product authenticity through its name. This is best used when you find I hard to identify a product NAFDAC number, whether it has faded or not properly written on the product brand. All you just have to do is to type in the product’s name on the search bar. If the product name is duly register with NAFDAC, you will get a result showing the product’s number, makers and ingredient used in  making the food or drug. However, the major problem with using name search for a product is the result can come up with similar products and you then have to compare all the names with the one on the package you are searching for so you can have correct matches.

Step-by-step process to verify NAFDAC number on our platform

It is simpler and faster using our platform to verify a NAFDAC registration number. We also supply additional information where necessary for a product for you to be confident the product you are checking is safe for your consumption. These are the simple steps when using our platform.

  • Log in to our website home page (insert website)
  • Sign up as a new user (it is optional, you can sign up to receive periodic tips through our mail.
  • Click on verification and select ‘verify NAFDAC number’ option
  • Insert the number inscribed on the package.
  • Alternatively, you can insert the product name where you don’t know the product’s NAFDAC number.
  • Confirm you enter the correct number or name and click on verify.

The verification will be successful if you add the correct number or name and the result will match up with the product and any necessary information attached to the product.

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